I m weak =(

I am becoming weaker and weaker =(
Feel so tired and stress doing something that i don't really know what is it for.
Everyday my life just fill up by homework and endless revision.
I don't know why i need to calculate the pH of acidic and base salt.
I don't know why i need to do a lot analysis on the research title "what makes people happy?"
I not sure whether is the direction of flow of force and magnetic field really influence my life?
I just totally fed up with myself.
Am i really that useless until i cant do what other people able to do?
Why cant i just stare at the books for at least one hour?
I wonder.
Everything just drive me crazy.
Especially CHEMISTRY!
Lots and lots question marks in my head.

Non-stop telling myself.
Be tough.
Half more year to go.


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